The Big Five Oh Crap!

It sounded so ancient when I was a kid – 50!
During my teenage years, I simply thought 50-somethings were grandparents. Now – as I approach that magic number, I’m noticing a few things…It’s really not that ancient. I don’t feel like I deserve to get a senior citizen discount and I sure as hell don’t act like someones grandfather. That being said,  my AARP application arrived last week and I’m hesitant to send the sucker in. Hey, if getting older means I can save a penny or two and get a discount, I’m down with that!

I’m about a month away from the actual date so…I’m ready for this milestone and the celebration that will take place. A few years ago, I decided to break all the rules and celebrate my birthday over a two week period. Dinner with Tish at some swanky restaurant along with late night drinks and an overnight stay in whatever town we decided to turn upside down.

Then of course I would do my solo celebratory tour. A day in D.C. with lunch at Shelly’s Backroom, feasting on their El Diablo Burger, a few adult beverages and an Opus X to burn for dessert. This past January I would also visit The Round Robin located inside The Willard Hotel for a few drinks and I would end my day with a few glasses  of wine and a Montecristo #4 at Civil Lounge near Chevy Chase. See, I can be old and still have fun! Damn Disrespectful Brats!

The idea of spending 2 weeks instead of 1 for my birthday will continue until I’m gone from this rock. However, I have decided that since 50 is a milestone, I’m going to party for the entire year.

A nice dinner…I’m talking about one of those highfalutin places that will cost as much as our mortgage. It’s a once in a lifetime event so why not pull out all the stops. I had an epiphany while sitting at Glen Manor Vineyards this past spring. We discussed what was on the agenda for my 50th. There’s talk of a trip, maybe visit Wrigley or Fenway to watch baseball, Vegas in the fall to partake in the Big Smoke hosted by Cigar Aficionado and then my creative juices got to working overdrive and I said:

“Let’s visit 50 Virginia Wineries next year!”

This isn’t a hard task, so I’m increasing the number. I’m going to try and make it to more than 50 vineyards as part of my 50th birthday celebration. This will include at least one new vineyard each month like I’ve been doing since Sept. ’11.

I’m going to try and keep a running journal of my year long party and I hope you come along for the ride to see what this redneck is up to. Besides if you come along, you can be my D.D.!

It’s gonna be a fun year y’all!

3 thoughts on “The Big Five Oh Crap!

  1. Turning 50 IS a big deal. Do it up right! I didn’t celebrate all year, at least not intentionally but looking back, i sort of did. It started in January of that year when my first high school chum hit the big 5-Oh and then on to celebrate with every subsequent friend and cousin who was born that year. It was just a big deal for me, it was a big deal for all of us.
    Happy 50th birthday year Kevin.


  2. Pingback: 2015 is off to a good start! | crazynvirginia

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