No Buses, No Limos, No Groups…

A good friend was trying to give me some ideas a few months back to make some money during my unemployment. She came up with a stellar idea but it would require a lot of weekends and I would have to buy a large vehicle. Doing wine & beer tours in Northern Virginia.

I liked the idea but I would have to limit how many folks I could haul around. As I kicked this around in my head, I remembered that sign at an area vineyard and I knew I couldn’t go through with this.

“No Buses, No Limos, No Groups Larger Than Six!”

Large groups partying on decks at local vineyards isn’t uncommon but it is frown upon at certain facilities. I don’t have a problem with groups enjoying themselves but when they start getting to rambunctious hoopin’ and hollerin’ then I can understand an owner getting a little nervous.

Some winemakers encourage the practice of the party crowds. But a serious winemaker who makes quality wine doesn’t want their site turning into a happy hour vineyard.

We have had good times at many vineyards laughing and carrying on. But some of the old school vintners don’t see the the humor of those having a large time. The patrons are a liability on site and the last thing anyone wants is to be asked to leave the premises.

Then there are those who want to break all the rules. These are the ones who probably have had too much vino to begin with and pop a top on cold one in the vineyards parking lot. I’ve seen ‘em do it!

Some think that the glasses are included in the tasting and they add to their collections – some high dollar stemware. You might ask before you toss the glass in your wives pocketbook.

Then of course, you have those who would take anything they can get their grubby little paws on. A vase and dried flowers were reported missing at a vineyard in my next of the woods recently. Really, dried flowers?

I’m guessing most of those with the sticky fingers are the same ones who have been called down and were asked to keep the noise at a certain level. They also probably didn’t see the sign of the limit to 6 people. Rookies!

Now I understand why Jim Law started his Case Club and only limits his deck to those who are members. I’ve heard the stories of large crowds on his deck back in the day. You will not see that again. Good for him.

As for the buses & limos. When I visited the 164 last year, I only encountered 3 limos and they were all filled with drunk chicks. The 12 girls from Georgetown who were letting off steam after finals. Another group of girls who were just getting their drink on & getting bat crap crazy. And of course, there was the bachelorette party of 12 in the Charlottesville area. They were drunker than 10 monkeys at 11a.m. Really?

Not all groups are going to act the fool but the majority do and I can see why some ban the large vehicles.

Go and have a good time, just don’t act like it’s a frat party. Your college party days are over and the cheap kegs are empty. You have come to a vineyard to refine your palate and add a little class to your repertoire.

Now, I know some of you would say to me:

“Hey, you wear ripped jeans, a cowboy hat and old concert shirts to vineyard!”

Yeah, I do! But…

I’m a good ole country boy and can pull that look off, you can’t!MEOC

Cheers Y’all! The snow is coming so be sure you have all the essentials. Food, Water, Beer, Wine and more Wine!

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