Wintertime Deck Therapy

I’m not a fan of the season called Winter. She is a most fickle bitch. Here in Va., we usually don’t encounter really cold weather like back when I was a kid. Mid 30s to 40s during the day. Occasionally we will dip into the 20s but they are far and few between.

Today it’s overcast and low 30s, which makes for a cold ass Deck Therapy session. But, I have good friends who hook me up!

Now that I have time to enjoy my new time off, let’s have some fun!

Montecristo Nicaragua Series

By AJ Fernandez

Wrapper: Nicaraguan

Binder: Nicaraguan

Filler: Nicaraguan

Medium to Full Bodied cigar with lush notes of nutty and creaminess. Smooth from start to finish.

2019 Wieninger

Wiener Grüner Veltliner

From Vienna, Austria via my boy Greg. Low acid with hints of Apricots and stone fruit. Light bodied and floral notes of spring flowers. A perfect everyday sipper.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Cheers Y’all!

It’s Nothing Personal

These are the words from the owner of the company I went to work for recently:

“It’s Nothing Personal…I Just Don’t LIKE YOU!”

Then he handed me a check and I was on my way. A 2 week gig of design and getting them caught up for the Christmas rush, he basically used me just to get them on schedule and not look bad to the customers. Yes, I feel like I was used but I believe this was a blessing in disguise.

My days of being aggressive are well past my prime. I primarily got my desk clean of clutter and dirt, he frowned at that. Started organizing my files I worked on and nope – Didn’t like that either!

One customer recognized me from one of the vineyards I worked for. He is anti alcohol, tobacco and vaccines. He hated me talking to customers about wine and resentment was established.

Oh, he’s anti-government too!

As business owner, that’s something you should keep on the DL. Also, he mentioned his hatred towards the government, alcohol and tobacco daily while I worked for him. Hell of a nice guy but completely Bat Shit Crazy!

So, I’m gonna find another job away from the design world and see how sales works for me. I’m entitled to have a job I truly love with no drama. Should have stayed at my cigar shop. However, I’m gonna get me something close to home and have piece of mind.

Need a good fit and I know I will find it.

In the meantime, I’ll enjoy some deck therapy with an Esteban Carrera Barber Pole and the other Pilsner of choice, Miller Lite.

Y’all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!

More reviews and banter in the coming year.

Cheers Y’all!