Ashton Churchill

It was over 20 years ago when I went into my local B&M. The owner recognized me as I had been in with Grandpa numerous times. He was surprised to see me go into his walk-in humidor to check out his selection.

At that point, I tried several drug store cigars but I wanted to try something a little more high brow. As I exited the room, he commented: “you don’t have your grandpa’s taste in cigars!”

I was enamored by the label and the look of the cigar I had chose. And was even more impressed with how it tasted. Even today when a customers come into the shop I work for and they are new to the cigar world, I tend to lead them to that cigar brand I tried many years ago: Ashton.

These are beautiful cigars that are dear to my heart. From the construction to the way it burns. It’s the perfect starter smoke to the new kids to the cigar brethren. Primarily it’s because they are some of the best in the business. From the Connecticut Broadleaf to their Maduro line, they are consistent and true to their products. One of their brands that I’ve become a huge fan of is the VSG, especially the Symmetry.

For my first review this evening, we are going back to my roots, old school or retro as the kids call it. The first premium cigar that made me turn my nose up to those in a convenience store, Ashton Churchill.

Let’s see if it lives up to my hype!

Ashton Churchill

Size: 7.5 X 52

Wrapper: Connecticut

Binder: Dominican Republic

Filler: Dominican Republic

From the first draw, the Connecticut wrapper displays mellow, creamy notes with a touch of earthiness. Hay or grassiness hits the mid-palate with a touch of cedar/nuttiness to a balanced finish. An overall impeccable smoke with a burn time of about an hour.

This is a must for the humidor and pairs well with bourbon, beer, single malt or wine. Actually it’s the perfect smoke for all occasions and beverages.

Until next time Kids, Remember:

Life’s Too Short to Drink Bad Booze and Smoke Bad Cigars!

Cheers Y’all!

Give the Fat Man a follow on Instagram if you will: @crazynvirginia