It’s Just Like 2005…

Well, not exactly.

I had been a Graphic Designer for a classic Ford automobile parts company and it was a fun group of folks to work with.

This was about the time the real estate market went into the toilet and other industries followed their lead. It was mid-July when I was called into the General Manager’s office. He explained that sales had dropped and he needed to make some cuts. Our department went from 3 people to 1, good luck Scooter you’re going to need it!

Tish and I were living on a 186 acre farm. Our rent was only $425 a month and Tish took over the utilities while I searched for work.

Early on I had no bites and then I went on an interview marathon…I had two in one day in D.C. I thought for sure one of those would pan out. Not this time.

This was near the Christmas holiday and I knew most places weren’t going to fill any position until after January 1.

It took nearly 8 months and I started working for a local newspaper in McLean, Va.

Let’s skip forward 10 years.

Once again, I sit here tapping on a keyboard looking for work. This time, I had bankrolled more than enough money to allow me to search for what could be my last employer. Funny thing is, now the job force is nearly filled with only 4% out of work. I being in the latter, it has been very challenging.

Who wants to hire a older individual who now carries an AARP card. You would think that skills and hard work would prevail. Now a days, most places are just looking for bodies and not talent. As long as the seat is filled, they aren’t as concerned about the quality of work.

Two of the positions I interviewed for are now open again. Oh yeah, I have resubmitted my resume and I will just sit and wait.

Shorty recently said: “You have the talent and I don’t understand why you haven’t gotten hired.”

Oh brother, I wonder myself.

Most design positions are looking for web based skills. That is fine but the last I saw, most businesses are migrating to Facebook to boost their advertising and eliminate the web designer. Social Media Coordinator is the new niche to call a journalist, graphic artist or a secretary. All of those job titles are being erased thanks to use of social networks. I can post a picture or two for you if that what is required for a Social Media Guru.

I recently told a potential employer that 10 years down the road, the new age production staff will want to create a magazine, newspaper to hold in their hand. The electronic devices will no longer be cool and the printed product will be retro to them. This is when my skills and all of my print family will become rock stars and we can shine. Mention CMYK to these “designers” and they will look at you like they just took a hit off of a bong.

In the meantime, I’m going to search and apply. I may even venture out to a few of the local print shops and fill out an application…it couldn’t hurt.

As I beat away on the keyboard, an email comes in giving me hope. A small part-time gig to hold me over and put a little coin in my pocket.

These are baby steps but I believe it’s starting to come together y’all!

I’m always saying: “Everyday Is A Good Day!” Make the most of today as we may not get that opportunity tomorrow. Go and enjoy the things that make you happy!

This good ole boy sure does!

Beyond Frustrated

This whole searching for work and a short sickness has kept me from updating my blog. I’ve had a number of interviews and a few have ended with what I thought was a bizarre comment/question:

“Send me an email tomorrow if you are still interested.”

Okay, this is new.

It must be a new trend in the hiring process that I haven’t read about online.

As much as I scratched my head wondering what this new step meant, I did what they requested and followed up the next day.

My normal reaction to such a comment would have been; “I just drove 70 miles one way, that should be “interest” enough!” But, I have become seasoned and just do as they say.

The “I’m Sorry…” emails came with what I have heard in the past; “you are over qualified.”

This isn’t what I want to hear and I’m anxious to start making a difference for someones business.

Until then, I’m going to give you an update on the wine tour in the next few days. I can tell you this much, I have reached 160 Virginia vineyards and 1 vineyard in New Jersey.

So, I will keep applying for work and start updating you on where to go and enjoy some wine.

Maybe someone reading this will hire me as a food, beverage reviewer.

I’ll take that job please!

Today is The Day!

I’m sort of live blogging today. After boxing up the last of the equipment and helping them load up all of our crap. I said my good-byes and made my way back to the valley. Of course I took a detour!

Heavy cloud cover here at Glen Manor Vineyards.

Two new releases in the past 2 or 3 weeks: 

’14 Savignon Blanc, wonderful nose of lemongrass. Grapefruit and apricots fill your mouth before the tartness rounds out the finish. 

’13 Vin Rouge, smoky nose, nice fruit and concentration with soft tannins that will get bolder over the next few months. A nice finish of dark chocolate.

I was in the mood for the ’14 Morales Rose´, I can’t think of a better place to start planning my next career move.